Monday, September 3, 2012

Childhood Toys

Toys I Remember From Childhood
I remember all of the toys I had (uncanny memory), so I'm listing my top Ten

1.             Monchhichi Doll
2.         Baby This ’n That
3.         Skedoodle
4.          Light Bright
5.         Atari Game System

6.         Tobor the Robot
7.          Child’s sewing machine
8.          Operation 
9.          Mouse Trap
10.       Simon


  1. I wish I had a memory as good as yours! It took me forever to come up with two! :)

  2. I was the proud owner of the last 3! I loved those games. Oh the memories :)

  3. I loved my Atari, Simon, and light bright! Toys when I was going up I have to say are the best toys still today!

  4. I remember only 5 of the toys listed above! :)

  5. I remember all of those! I loved my Lite-Brite!

  6. I miss the Monchichi's and the Lite Brite!

  7. I had some of these, but not all. My favorite toy as a child was Teddy Ruxpin!

  8. Operation and Lite Brite were my two favorite toys growing up. Thanks for the jog down memory lane!

  9. Lite Brite & Atari! Wow, good memories :)

  10. I remember 6 of 10. I still have a Lite Brite, but it's the cube style. We also had Operation and Mouse Trap, but for some reason board games don't last long around here. I LOVE Simon, though! I need to get one of those.

  11. I remember most of those...One of my favorite was the talking Alf doll! lol I actually still have it too!

  12. Oh how fun! I remember having all of these, and I wish I still did! Thanks for the trip down memory lane!

  13. How funny! I didn't remember some of these until you showed us these photos! Thanks for a trip down memory lane.

  14. I remember most of those too! How fun that you found all of these!

  15. I always wanted the Mouse Trap game as a kid. Didn't get one though lol! I also put down Lite Brite in my post - great memories!

  16. I had a Monchhichi!! HA!! I sat here singing the song... So much fun thanks for all the memories.

  17. OMG i had an atari, operations and I soooo wanted a Lite Brite but never did get it. this is a blast from the past

  18. I remember most of these. I loved playing with Lite Brite

  19. LOVE this article - was discussing this with my kids the other day

  20. I loved my Lite-Brite. We bought an atari type of system with the joystick and Mouse Trap for our boys and they love them.

  21. I remember Lite-Brite, Operation, Mouse Trap, and Simon. Any of those I could play with for a long time and never get tired of them. Thanks for bringing up some great memories!
