Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Am I Invisible?

As I said in my intro I have Fibromyalgia, Arthritis and whole grab bag of other issues. I've had 3 knee surgeries on my right knee and eventually will need surgery on my left knee. I'm in constant pain on some level 24/7.

So I explained all that so you would understand why I'm so fired up lol.

This past Sunday we took our boys to Dutch Wonderland in Lancaster, PA. It's a really nice smaller amusement park here. We were there for the day and I knew i wouldn't be able to walk around all day long without suffering. I rented a scooter similar to the picture so that I could enjoy the day with my boys and my husband. I swear by sitting in that chair I became invisible for the day! I can not even count how many times people walked in front of me while I was moving! And if they weren't walking in front of me or blocking my path even when I said excuse me numerous times then I was getting dirty looks! I'm a very stubborn person and it bothers me to no end that at only 32 I've gotten to the point that I need to use scooters or canes sometimes. I was just dying for someone to actually say something to me about using it, but of course they all could stare and sneer but no one had the balls to actually say anything to me. At 32 years old I don't know why I still get so surprised by the idiocy of the human race, but here I sit, surprised.


  1. What is the big deal about you needing a scooter that people find distasteful?? You should get a mega phone, a loud horn and a water gun to keep people out of your way next time you rent a scooter :) (I am a bit feisty too)

  2. I was thinking more along the lines of a cattle prod but i guess a water gun could work LOL

  3. Cattle prods!!! Yes..we will all line up in scooters and cattle prod what is known as "eye level" buahahahahahahaha

  4. That is so messed up that people would judge you like that without even knowing the situation. I had to ride in one at stores when I was pregnant because of a high risk. For all they know if could have been the same situation.

  5. I worked on a mall in my town through college, and was shocked by how rude people were to those in the scooter chairs! Sorry you had to deal with that on your fun day.

  6. Next time you have to act like some of "teens" I've seen using them at our parks here. Loud, laughing, bumping into people... And of course use the water gun, Cattle prods, megaphones etc. too!

  7. Im with Jenny, a bullhorn would have been fun!

  8. The bottom line is that people judge. It's inevitable and it sucks. So the next time you are met with rude ass people, that won't move or listen to you, just yell "penis" really loud and see how fast they pay the eff attention. lol

  9. I know exactly what you mean. I don't normally use my chair but I do when I have to. What is great is the nasty looks I get when I take my chair out of my own trunk and set it up. People think I'm just using it to be special! But really I am strong enough to lift it and everything but sometimes my feet just hurt too much to be able to walk through a store or something. I have even had old ladies scream at me for using a handicapped parking space when I walk out of my car!!!

    1. Oh yeah! Dont even get me started about handicapped parking! When I use my plaque is when i usually wind up getting into it with people lol

  10. Omg Jenn you know I can relate. I'm confined to my chair and people are always blocking or walking in front of me. One time I got told off by an 80+ year old because I politely said "excuse me", she ignored me so my friend asked her to move. I get glared at, stared at too. The worst is when they glare at Alan or they're rude to him for using a handicapped spot and there I am rolling down the ramp in my wheelchair, REALLY??? I have even had my chair almost tipped over by some idiot not watching where she's running and blamed ME! It's a wonder why I haven't hurt anyone!

  11. I can't relate specifically to what's going on with you, but I can relate when knowing how other people react in such confusing ways! I know this must not be easy, and I do NOT think that you are invisible!

  12. I can relate in some ways. I have Fibro. and other health issues as well. Have had to use carts and so on as well and people are just plain rude sometimes. What I have started doing is just plain SINGING... yeah that is right.. it is hard sometimes but I have learned that if I sing (loud).. that people stop ignoring and start asking how in the world can I sing and be in the shape that I am in??? I am in my early 50's but have been having issues since I was in my 30's. praying for you and totally understand your frustration. You may vent with me any time.

  13. I have friends with Fibro and they also get the looks or just ignored. I say if they don't move out of your way run them over LOL

  14. You know people are quick to judge what they don't understand. If they were to walk in your shoes they might be a bit more sympathetic instead of rude and judgmental. If I was with you I probably would have yelled back at the people staring for being rude, not the best behavior either but people need to be more tolerant. For those of us that know and appreciate people for people we get the best treats in life!

  15. I don't know why people are so rude sometimes. I am sorry that happened to you.

    We went to Lancaster County but didn't make it to Dutch Wonderland I wish we had. It looked like fun.

  16. So sad how the people of this world acts. So sorry this happen to you!! Whatever you do....keep your head up and your heart open. Hugs!

  17. One of my very good friends has Fibromyalgia and she also uses a scooter to get around. She has expressed so much frustration and anger over this exact situation. It is so incredibly sad how ignorant and just plain senseless and even cruel people can be towards anyone who doesn't fit into the same particular box that they inhabit. I would love to tell you not to worry about it or that people are stupid and it's best to move on, but there is never anything okay with ignoring or treating someone else differently or less-than because of their struggles or disability, regardless of what it is.

  18. I can't even imagine how awful that would be! I try to be respectful to anyone in a wheelchair, regardless of whether it "looks" like they need it.
