Thursday, August 9, 2012

Favorite Movie

This is part of a Summer Blog Challenge Im part of on FB =]

Today's question is what is your favorite movie?

labyrinth david bowie Pictures, Images and Photos


Hands down didn't even have to think about it LOL And can you blame me? I mean look at him!! This was definitely during his yummy stage =] I don't know what it is about this movie, except David Bowie of course, but from the first time I watched it I've been absolutely ADDICTED! I think the make up and effects were so amazing and cutting edge for movies at that time. I still watch this movie every chance I get and my 7 yr old and 4 yr old boys love it too. Thank goodness its on Netflix right now lol I literally wore out the dvd of it that I bought a few years ago =]


  1. i have never heard of this movie before but think that i must check it out now!

    1. OOmg omg i love this movie..its my absolute fave!

  2. I haven't seen it yet...will have to add it my list. :)

  3. I love Labyrinth! I have seen it so many times I couldn't even possibly count how many times. I completely agree with you that the makeup and effects were incredible, especially for the time period. I watched this on a loop when I was a kid, and it still captures my attention just as well as an adult.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I usually refuse to answer this question, but I feel like everyone should experience that awesomeness that is the

    The Rocky Horror Picture Show
    (blogspot is being a tool and won't let me post a picture. lol)

    It's top 10 but not my all time favorite. lol

  6. I have not seen it yet. I plan to though!

  7. My favorite...The Lake House with Keanu Reeves, major babe and great love story...YES I'm a sap! All time favorite would have to be the Exorcist :)

  8. My sister loves that movie! :)

  9. Labyrinth is also my step daughters favourite movie :)
    Mine is Philadelphia with Tom Hanks

  10. I have heard of this movie but never seen it before

  11. I haven't seen it...I want to now !!

  12. I used to watch Labyrinth repeatedly. I love it. I love David Bowie. Great choice. Majorly great movie.

  13. I should probably get around to watching this. :)
