Friday, August 17, 2012


I’m not sure how many of you suffer from migraines, but I sure do.  My triggers…constant loud noises, like a group of motorcycles riding by or better yet when our neighbor upstairs  turns on his home theater and we can hear it down here, the reverb just about kills me.  The latest are storm clouds and stormy weather.  Unfortunately, Florida rains A LOT, so I tend to have frequent migraines.  My fiancé calls it “raindar”.  If I feel crappy and it’s partly cloudy, you can bet it’s going to get worse!  I’ve been on Topamax and Imitrex,  but nothing works 100% so I figure I’ll have to live with it.  What meds have you tried?


  1. I use pamelor and imitrex...col washcloth in a dark room helps too..migraines are just the worst!

  2. I feel for anyone who suffers from migraines. I get several a week. I am lucky though because I use the equate brand of Tylenol from Wal-Mart. I take 3 and within a half an hour the migraine is just about gone. All sorts of things trigger them for me...eating a meal late, humidity, strong smells and perfumes, etc.

  3. Lots of Execedrin. Now that its MIA I use the Store Brand or Advil's Migraine.

  4. I am so sorry. I have never had a Migraine, but I know they can be really bad. I hope you find something to help you.

  5. i also get them, though not quite as often. my most recent was due to a VERY loud band at church... and my husband chose for us to sit very close to the front of the sanctuary, i was in bed the rest of the day, but when i finally got some meds, i used ibuprophen and sleep... umidity does it for me as well as bright lights, etc. in the past i have used exedrin migraine and that tends to be the best thing i've found for them.

  6. aleve I cannot live without it!

  7. For the very bad ones midol works wonders I know it's meant for other things but it also helps a nasty headache!

  8. I usually just sleep. Sometimes if it is unbearable though, I will take a Tylenol. I am very anti-medicine. That's probably no help! :(

  9. My husband has Migraines at least once a week if not more he takes Migraleve which have 2 different coloured pills pink when you feel a migraine coming then yellow if it gets real bad. Not sure if you can get them where you are. They are prescription meds, but they don't always work.
