Monday, August 6, 2012

Question of the day #1

I swiped this meme from Curious as a Cat for a way to jump start this blog!
We won't do this every day but when we are having a slow day I will try to find a really good question for our readers =]

I'll make this first one fun....

Cake or pie? And why?


 Personally I have a very hard time choosing. It just depends on if I'm in a fruit or chocolate mood lol~Jennifer

Most times, for me it's pie, unless it's Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting, then that wins hands down! LOL ~Simmy

Answer in the comments!


  1. Cake, I love sweet things but I am not allowed either at the moment (diet) but that cake looks mighty fine :)

  2. Love cake hate pie!! I do like pie crust. I know I am weird. I really can not eat any sweets though it makes my fibro out of control!!

  3. Both! I think it just depends on which type it is. I like sweet pies like chocolate cream and banana cream pies more than cake, but I don't really care for the tart pies.

  4. I would have to say Cake. It taste great warmed or served at room tempature. You can use it with ice cream and it taste really good.

  5. oh, this one is hard for me because I have the biggest sweet tooth in the world but if I had to chose, I think i'd go with cake... just because there is soooo many variations you can do with cakes.
    Happy to join your blog! Looking forward to your posts :) I started blogging 5 months ago and I love it! Come join me on my blog too! ;) If ever you're ooking for some collaboration, help or whatever it is, don't be shy! :)
    S.O.S. Mom

  6. I absolutely love cake!! I can eat it all day. That looks delicious!

  7. Gotta go with the cake...oh my looks awesome !!

  8. I'm not really a sweets person, so I'm gonna go with cake because you can make carrot cake & cheese cake!!

  9. I love cake and pie, but only certain kinds of pie. I think I really love to make them as much as I like eating them.

  10. I love CAKE. I have never been a pie kinda girl.

  11. The cake is a LIE! lol Pie just isn't as good though. So my answer is Pake! Ya know, pie meets cake?! (That was totally a drop dead diva steal. haha)

  12. I have to agree with you about the Red Velvet Cake with cream cheese icing with pecans. I can eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner plus snacks and a late night snack. I guess thats why I have never been skinny.

  13. I say a churpumple- 3 pies baked into 3 different kinds of cake.. Stacked on top of eachother!! YUMMMMY

  14. If it tastes good i will eat either.. making the sweet stuff is a lot of fun too..
