Thursday, August 16, 2012

10 Things I Love About My Family

The prompt for today was 10 things you love about your significant other (or kids or pets)

So I decided I would list 10 things I love about all of them <3

1. They love me unconditionally

2. They make me laugh

3. They make me smile when i'm sad

4. They take care of me when i'm sick

5. Both boys love to read like i do =]

6. They cook for me

7. My husband is a great involved dad to the boys

8. My husband kisses me and tells me he loves me every single day

9. The boys have each others backs no matter what

10. I love that they are all mine!


  1. What a sweet list! A nice reminder to be grateful for your family

  2. It's great how the boys have each others back...It's funny how mine bicker and argue a lot but let someone else do it to them, and watch out!

  3. That's a great list of reasons :)
    Lucky girl to have a list like this, for sure.
    My list is here:

  4. Yes, don't we fibromates need our families. It was hard for me to stop at 10.
