Friday, September 14, 2012

When has being right been wrong?

Ever noticed when you freely use your right to express yourself, suddenly it becomes no longer your right as others jump down your throat for expressing yourself?   

That has been the case with my family.  They ask advice, you give it and suffer for it. It doesn’t even matter that you’re right.  You’ll always be wrong and pay dearly.  For example, my parents weren’t getting along and Mom asked what she should do.  I was honest and told her the truth…If you’re so miserable, maybe it’s time to end it and move on.  A few months later, they made up, but my mother made sure my father knew I’d told her to leave him.  She neglected to tell him why I’d said it, only that I did.  That was twelve years ago and the relationship with either of my parents has never ever been  the same.  My mother twisted what I'd said to her advantage and Dad was too pissed to hear my side.  Sometimes doing the right thing can be SO wrong!




  1. That doesn't sound fun :/ I'm sorry you had to go through that.

  2. That sounds like no fun! I try to avoid giving advice like that.

  3. That sounds like no fun! I try to avoid giving advice like that.

  4. Sounds like your words have been manipulated to another persons benefit. I'm sorry that this has happened, hopefully there can be some restoration between your family soon.

  5. It is so unfortunate that your mother manipulated you and what you said to her own advantage with your father. I am so sorry that happened.

  6. I'm so sorry that happened to you. You should not have had to experience that. It seems sometimes it's better to say nothing than to say anything. I know I've went down that road more than once.
